Design and Fabrication of Advanced Composite Structures

Design and fabrication of 
advanced composite structures

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3dyn composites Inc. serves the increasing needs of industries requiring top level design, analysis, prototype, and turn-key production services, without the costly investment of in-house departments. From our base in San Diego, we service the needs of clients from within a variety of modern industries, supporting their efforts to deliver market leading innovation.



When creating a new product, you must trust the design before the first prototype or production unit is created. 3dyn Composites established itself on high quality engineering, from initial industrial design concepts, to CAD modeling, structural analysis (FEA), show quality display models and functional prototypes. 3dyn Composites can take your design from it’s most basic concept, through the phases of development and visualization, and to a successful conclusion.


With full in-house design and production capabilities, 3dyn Composites thrives on the fast-pace demands of innovative organizations. We are dedicated to the conception, development, fabrication, and assembly of complex composite structures. Our experience working with start-ups, and SME’s, provides an acute appreciation for high-priority scenarios and critical production schedules. We exist to play a dynamic role in your project while supporting its ongoing development.




The 3dyn Composites team has experience in numerous industries including; consumer products, cycling, motorcycles, medical, marine, automotive, audio visual, aerospace, and aircraft. The team provides design, analysis, and prototyping services to bring to life your company’s “next big thing.” And your business is important to us, so your project will be handled with the highest confidence. 3dyn will act as your engineering and prototype department.



With a full service fabrication and machine shop, 3dyn produces components and assemblies in numerous materials and forms. Our specialty is in the fabrication of composite components and structures, from CNC machining of tooling, to hand layup, vacuum bag molding, compression molding, and numerous other processes. Additionally, we offer services including foam models, metallic components, molds of various types, welding, and assembly. 

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Founded by company president and Chief Engineer, Mark Deadrick, in 2004, initial services focused on CAD modeling and analysis of composite structures. In response to demand, additional services included prototype and low volume manufacturing projects in 2005, with medium-volume of (50 pcs) in 2010. Industries served include aerospace; commercial, military, UAV, entertainment; attractions, cinematography, aerial and underwater, marine, sporting, and recreational goods, motorsports; automotive and motorcycle, AR/VR helmet development, spacecraft; exterior and interior components, automotive prototypes, and numerous innovative projects for ambitious start-up ventures.

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Contact Us

Our Office

7868 Silverton Ave #G
San Diego, CA, 92126

Phone: 858. 547. 4686
